It sounds like you're all goin' through a tough time, but it was great to get your positive letters from every single one of you!
Anyway, so this week we helped a lot of the visiting teachers. It really is a great program! I love the way the church is set up so that you have someone there to help you always!
I'm kinda catchin a little of the Spirit of Elijah as I help the converts
with their family history. Thanks for helping out with my craving!
with their family history. Thanks for helping out with my craving!
So Pablo.... He didn't get baptized. He was working extra hours all week to be able to have Saturday off for his baptism, so we weren't able to find him. In the morning on Saturday he went to go help out a cousin with a project in the mountains. The truck broke down and they had to walk back. It took them the majority of the day, and despite the fact we passed by his house around 10 times, he didn't make it back until very late. In church he talked to the branch president about a couple concerns that he had. We've never really talked about his family in Buenos Aires, but it seems as though it's a bigger deal than we thought. I'll keep you posted on when he finally gets baptized!

We had a successful family night! Usually very few people go, but this week we had quite a few. We played a game with a tower made of flour and you had to cut off parts without making the candy on top fall. If it fell, you had to eat it with your mouth only. It was really fun, and the investigators enjoyed it!
We got to paint! I love doing service projects! It was great to finally get a chance! The paint here is really different, but it's a lot easier because it doesn't require skill!
The Book of Mormon is awesome. While I was doing exchanges with the zone leader, he had to use the bathroom really bad. We stopped by a member's house, but there wasn't a male. We ended up inviting a guy from the street to be in the house with us! While I waited with him for my comp, we read in the Book of Mormon together. It was quite fun!
We also got to read with a less active who works as an undercover cop. Of all the parts we could have read, we read the title page. Wow! It invited the spirit so strong. The book just has power!
Right before that lesson, it started to rain quite a bit and our plans in the other side of the city had fallen through. It was in that moment when the taxi-driver brother of Pablo came by and offered us a lift! Little miracles make life really fun.
Yesterday there was a huge rainstorm. Normally we don't have issues with leaving the windows open, because the roof extends over the windows about a foot or two. This rain was almost horizontal. Totally nuts! Lots of stuff got wet. My shoes are drenched. It even made it over the top of my boots! Even so, it was really fun to just keep going around, saying hi to people in their houses. It reminded me of the quote from Joseph Smith - "The work of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent." I testify that it will. His work is our perfection and salvation. Sometimes there are trials, but if it weren't for those, God's purpose could never be accomplished. I love the gospel. I'm so grateful for a wonderful family that always supports me. I love you guys so much! I hope you all have a great week!